Indonesia 2016: A Political and Economic Update

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제목: Indonesia 2016: A Political and Economic Update

일시: 10월 25일(화) 16:00~18:00

장소: 서울대 아시아연구소 303호

강연자: Jamie S. Davidson 교수 (싱가포르 국립대 정치학과)

강의내용(요약): This lecture will survey the prospects and pitfalls of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s presidency in Indonesia. While it will explore broad economic and political trends, it will also examine the promises and predicaments of his administration through the example of infrastructure development. In some respects Jokowi has placed his political reputation on the line through the promise of infrastructure delivery. Given the strong path dependent properties of infrastructure, however, this lecture will explore whether his predecessor, two-term President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, built enough of a foundation upon which Jokowi can build. Has Jokowi promised unrealistic targets in infrastructure development? Will failure to reach these goals cost him reelection in 2019? This lecture will try to answer these questions and more

문의: 이재은 (tel: 02-880-2695, email:

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