Anti-Debt: Islam and the Critique of Finance Capitalism

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자세한 일정 및 문의처에 대한 안내는 아래를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.

제목: Anti-Debt: Islam and the Critique of Finance Capitalism

일시: 10월 12일(수) 16:00~18:00

장소: 서울대 아시아연구소 230호

강연자: Daromir Rudnyckjy 교수

강의내용(요약): Following the recent financial crises there has been a widespread sense that finance is important, but little understanding of what alternatives might exist to dominant financial practices and networks. Based on fieldwork in Malaysia, where the state seeks to make its capital, Kuala Lumpur, the “the New York of the Muslim world,” this lecture describes the creation of a global Islamic alternative to the financial network centered on New York, London, and Tokyo. I argue that Islamic finance experts in Malaysia are developing a response to the global financial predicament that differs from that offered by both Wall Street and the Occupy movement. In the wake of the cataclysm of 2008, the world’s largest financial institutions requested loans and other financial guarantees to maintain the solvency of the financial system. The Occupy movement called for forgiveness for the millions mired in debt and those adversely afflicted by precipitous economic decline. However, both of these interventions continue to take debt for granted as the central tool of finance. In contrast, this lecture argues that Islamic finance experts challenge the very foundations of finance by posing investment, rather than debt, as the central mechanism for the mobilization of capital. By putting limits on leverage Islam offers the promise of a finance that constrains the debt-inebriated excesses of conventional finance. In so doing, the essay shows how efforts to create an Islamic alternative to conventional finance precipitate debates over the form and substance of Islam itself.

문의: 이재은 (tel: 02-880-2695, email:

* 이 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다.

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